Clearly we are not the most frequent bloggers on the web. Those other blogs out there seem to update daily and such. I guess quantity is the new quality in the interweb?? Pretty sure that means this blog is sooooo 2011....
In my time away from my self appointed blog job there have been several wonderful developments in my running. Here is a summary of the past 2 weeks.
1. I took time off of my job of running a business to do nothing but real running.
2. I did run in Christmas socks, but neglected to take a picture. #RookieBlogger
3. I signed up for the Shamrock Half Marathon in March, made plans to run the Twilight Tower of Terror 10 Miler, and decided to run the Zooma Half Marathon in Bastrop, Texas with my sister in law. (I'll wait here for a few while our international readers Google search "Bastrop").
4. I finally got around to getting some new running shoes. Mine were probably far past the recommended mileage. I was thrilled to find that my old faithful Mizuno Waveriders are currently available in pink! My father, a legit runner, taught me everything I know about running shoes. He took me to one of those special stores about 10 years ago, and told me that I was not to care about the color or look of my shoes, and that I was to get the shoe that worked best with my gait. I left with ugly yellow and blue Mizunos. I thought I was doomed to forever wear un-cute shoes. Other than the one time they had TCU purple, ugly has been the case with the Waverider. Ugly blue. Lucky for me, I finally won the shoe lottery. Comfort, function, and cuteness.
And now for the weekly mileage:
Monday: crosstrain, watch all the BCS games
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: Crosstrain
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 2 miles with speed work
Saturday Rest
Sunday: 4 miles
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