Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pre-race food

Sorry I've been slacking on posting! I promise I will start regularly blogging come Feb. 1, 2012. I will make an attempt to blog ever 2-3 days with my workouts. Pinky promise :) Anyway, so today, I would like to talk about what I eat before I run. I'll start this post out with a horror story:

When I ran the Disney Half-Marathon last year, I was running past the Grand Floridian. I believe this was around mile 7. At this point, the course turned to being 2 lanes. Here, you didn't want to get stuck behind someone slow and the rules of running (unwritten) came in to play. So, picture this, I was running and a SLOOOOW lady ran with all her might to get in front of me only to slow down once she got in front of me. I thought to myself, "Wow, that was a dick move." But then I caught a glimpse as to why she may have slowed down... she pooped herself... and I saw it. I was looking at her butt for whatever reason, and I saw her spandex pants fill up with poop. And then I smelled it. And then I ran on the grass to go past her because if not, I would have barfed.

You may ask yourself why I would share such a gross story. Well, the reason is, I find it important to be careful as to what you put in yourself because you don't know if your body will reject the food while exercising. Poor lady in front of me ended up pooping herself during mile 7 of 13. I don't know if she finished or not, but here's to a DNF.

I've run my share of races in the morning and evening. I don't particularly like evening races because I don't really know how to eat for a race starting at 10pm. Usually, before a race, I like to wake up, do my thing and eat half of a bagel with crunchy peanut butter as close to the start as possible. I drink about 8-16oz of water when eat that bad boy, too. Mainly so I don't choke because at that point, I will be fully hydrated. If I have one, then I eat a banana, but there will usually be some on the course and I'll eat one then. And to be honest, that's all I eat before morning runs.

During evening runs, I usually like to have some sort of pasta (about a cup) with another protein (beans will do) about 2-3 hours before I run. Then, I have a PB&J sandwich (or 2) and a banana about 30 minutes before running. Again, with 8-16oz of water so I don't choke. I've found that this combination has left me not hungry and with enough energy to run a long race and not want to die in the end.

I guess I could have written this post with just two words: Peanut butter. It keeps you full and will not give you the Grand Floridian Mile 7 effect. Oh, and before I go, be sure to check out my humorous yet true tips to eating before running.

Some advice: 

  • DO NOT TRY SOMETHING NEW BEFORE YOU RUN. I'm sure you've all heard of the Chipotle effect. Well, little known fact, I love eating Chipotle before 10+ runs BUT NOT anything more than 20. At that point, my stomach rebels. If you're not used to the food before a run, avoid it. 
  • DO NOT drink pedialyte before a race. I know it's important to stay hydrated, but only drink it if you plan on stopping ~4 times DURING your run to urinate. Or you could always go on yourself. I added an HOUR to a run because I had to keep stopping to use PortoLets. This also holds true if you CARBOTOOMUCHLOAD. If you have too many carbs, the old diarrhea machine might come after you. 
  • With that being said, don't overhydrate. If you drink to much and don't pee, you swell up and that is ungood AND uncool. 
  • Eat something before you run. It doesn't have to be a full on meal. In fact, don't eat a full meal before running, but eat enough to sustain your energy. If not, you'll probably feel terrible during the run. 
  • Eating TOO MUCH fiber leads to too much gas. We're not jet powered... yet. 
Disclaimer: I'm not a dietician nor do I claim to be one. I just know what works and what doesn't work for me and am offering advice to those who want to read it. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hooray for Sun!

Since I moved to Virginia a few years ago I think I have spent more time in the months of October-March complaining about how cold this place is than I have running.

Last winter was pretty much a nonstop snow-fest, so I am pretty sure I attempted to run the Disney Princess Half marathon with like 4 long runs under my belt. I like to pretend that if I continually tell myself that I like to run in the cold, I will actually like to run in the cold. Unfortunately, I still seem curse each and every time that cold wind hits my face.

Thankfully as of today at 1:30 I can say we have not had one flake stick here in RVa. In fact, today is sunny 65 degrees!  I am pretty sure it is because I have spent every single day of winter trying to send positive thoughts to the running gods and because someone up there realized I ended 2011 about half a tick from a nervous breakdown.  Global warming, shobal warming...blah blah....

The mild temperatures have made it possible for me to enjoy going out for a run even more, which in turn helps me feel less like a nervous breakdown, which in turn allows me to be more productive at work, and life. It's really a win-win, I think.

So here's to a great week of runs, and a snow free January!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Motivational Running Music--The Running Montage

So, I was starting to write a similar blog on my personal blog (which I have neglected), but I figure it would make more sense for me to blog on here. So, I am not usually a fan of running to music, but once, I ran a marathon sans music, and I wanted to die. Instead of giving you a crazy list of songs (not yet, at least), I will give you a few songs to consider adding to your playlist.

This might sound a little crazy, but sometimes, I like to pretend I'm in a movie. This also happens when I run. I pretend I am starring in an awesome movie (I mean, I'm in it so it HAS to be awesome) and I need music for my running montage. And no, my list does not include "Eye of the Tiger".

Caroline's Pick for Best Songs for a Running Montage (not in any particular order):
1. No Church in the Wild - Jay Z and Kanye West
2. Uprising - Muse
3. Sandstorm - Darude (I'd like to thank undergrad for this one. Boat mix anyone??)
4. Renegade - Styx (I like this song in the middle of a workout.)
5. She Wants to Move - N.E.R.D.
6. Beautiful Monster - Neyo

AND, with the help of Christine, 7. Heart of a Champion - Nelly

And because being cheesy is fun, some Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone.

Foam Encore

They see me rollin'......

I have had a couple of folks inquire about how I use the foam roller. Here is an article from Runner's World that talks about how to use the foam roller to improve flexibility and decrease muscle tension:  On a Roll Article

I am clearly not a fitness or medical expert so this is of course not intended to be an expert discussion on proper use of a foam roller. I do the rolls listed in the article above and usually roll until I find a trigger point, and then stay on that trigger point for like 45 seconds or so until it releases. A few of the exercises are funny looking, but I promise kids that this is a totally "G" rated endeavor.  I always try to warm up first so I am rolling warm muscles, and the whole foam rolling procedure usually takes me about 10-15 min. It is like a poor man's massage.

Hope this helps! Roll on, fellow runners!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm alive!

First off, HAPPY TWENTY-DOZEN! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and New Year! I'm sorry I've neglected the blog. I actually had a whole post about why I run, but stupid me, I closed my browser without saving :( BUT I promise to have a good "Why I Run" post in the near future. Until then, I will explain my absence...

So, right before the New Year, I was being driven to work and BAM. My car was hit. Yes folks, I got in to a car accident. My right arm and leg received minor injury, and I remain car less until at least the 26th of January. That will be about a month of not having my car. What a bummer.

Anyway, I am still here! All healed and ready to re-start some blogging!


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Foam Rollin'

For Christmas I got one of those foam rollers. I had used one in the past at physical therapy for my knee, but never committed to foam rolling on a regular basis. I must say that I wasn't expecting too much from this little roller, but OMG!! This thing has seriously changed my life! I had no idea how tight my hips, and calfs were! I have usual pains in my IT Band post running, and figured I'd have a few knots there, but my calfs and hips were way worse!

After about 2 weeks of foam rollin' I am pain free, and finding my form on cross training activities like squats is much improved. I have no idea how I have managed to go this long without owning a foam roller!


Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Clearly we are not the most frequent bloggers on the web. Those other  blogs out there seem to update daily and such. I guess quantity is the new quality in the interweb?? Pretty sure that means this blog is sooooo 2011....

In my time away from my self appointed blog job there have been several wonderful developments in my running. Here is a summary of the past 2 weeks.

1. I took time off of my job of running a business to do nothing but real running.

2. I did run in Christmas socks, but neglected to take a picture. #RookieBlogger

3. I signed up for the Shamrock Half Marathon in March, made plans to run the Twilight Tower of Terror 10 Miler, and decided to run the Zooma Half Marathon in Bastrop, Texas with my sister in law. (I'll wait here for a few while our international readers Google search "Bastrop").

4. I finally got around to getting some new running shoes. Mine were probably far past the recommended mileage.  I was thrilled to find that my old faithful Mizuno Waveriders are currently available in pink! My father, a legit runner, taught me everything I know about running shoes. He took me to one of those special stores about 10 years ago, and told me that I was not to care about the color or look of my shoes, and that I was to get the shoe that worked best with my gait. I left with ugly yellow and blue Mizunos. I thought I was doomed to forever wear un-cute shoes. Other than the one time they had TCU purple, ugly  has been the case with the Waverider. Ugly blue.  Lucky for me, I finally won the shoe lottery. Comfort, function, and cuteness.

And now for the weekly mileage:
Monday: crosstrain, watch all the BCS games
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: Crosstrain
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 2 miles with speed work
Saturday Rest
Sunday: 4 miles